Our position on affordable housing
For some time housing in our area has become more expensive. As local residents, we are concerned to protect the physical character and charm of our neighbourhood, and it is also important to support the people who live in our community. Our community is made up of people on a range of incomes and various occupations, and that is a key part of the Marrickville community’s character. If all local housing becomes too expensive, Marrickville will lose many of the people who now live here.
Developers often say they want to provide affordable housing, but new developments usually knock down more cheap rentals than they provide, as new dwellings are usually more expensive. Save Marrickville supports more affordable housing, but bulldozing our heritage buildings and local character is not a good way to address our housing crisis. This is a critically important issue. Federal and State governments have the greatest opportunity to provide affordable housing. Winding back investor tax breaks that inflate house prices, investigating an empty house tax (like they have in Vancouver, Canada) and providing more social housing, would make a real difference. Inner West Council can also play a role through their Affordable Housing Revised Scheme. Save Marrickville has written a position paper on Affordable Housing, you can read it here. We have distributed our written position to numerous Councillors.

Affordable housing submission to the Department of Planning
"Affordable Housing should be automatically built into the planning process and should be at least 30% of any new development. The old hospital site in Marrickville has only designated 9 units out of 221 as ‘affordable’ (4%). This is not nearly high enough."
Read the Save Marrickville Resident Groups Submission to the Department of Planning’s SEPP 70 Affordable Housing 30/1/2018
State Government to establish priority development zones at Metro Stations
Posted by Kelsie Dadd · November 23, 2023 10:12 AM · 1 reaction
Overview of Carrington Road podcast
Posted by Save Marrickville · July 29, 2018 11:03 AM
Wolli Creek
Posted by Save Marrickville · March 03, 2018 8:39 PM