PROSPECTUS: Renewing the Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor
Renewing the Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor: A prospectus for Inclusive Renewal was published by City Futures Research Centre in July 2018. We love it!
These are short extracts, for the full report click on the cover.
"... It is not too late to reboot the planning of the corridor by a visionary renewal process that will benefit the communities who already live and work here, as well as provide much needed new housing and quality neighbourhoods for the new population who will arrive in the next twenty years.
"What cannot be allowed to happen is the wholesale displacement of the existing community and its replacement with sterile neighbourhoods that have been seen in comparable locations across Sydney. These planning blunders will be with us – and those who live in the outcome – for decades."
"There needs to an honest and open discussion between politicians, policy makers and communities about the kind of city we are and what we want to be."
Their research supports what Save Marrickville asks:
- We want sympathetic well designed development and density with proper transition zones.
Not over development or imposing high rise. - We would like planning control to be given back to council and the community.
- We feel it is critical that our heritage and local character are preserved.
- Marrickville’s industrial land should be preserved.
- Infrastructure needs to be planned first before rezoning.
- Affordable housing quotas must be in place.
Our meeting with the Greater Sydney Commission
The Greater Sydney Commission invited community groups and the Inner West Council to meet with them on 22 May 2018.
Save Marrickville was represented by Heather Davie and Paul Mortimer, who reported that they “felt genuinely heard” by the commission.
At the meeting, community representatives put their concerns regarding development to the commission and asked that preservation of character and industrial land be given greater emphasis.
Save Marrickville also requested that the Inner West Council and the local community be given much more involvement in decisions on local development.
A copy of the Marrickville Character Study published by the Save Marrickville group, was presented to the Greater Sydney Commission. Check it out here.
Save Marrickville are organising a community meeting to let you know about our work and the developments (ha!) so far. Sign up to receive an invitation by email.
Rod Simpson (Greater Sydney Environment Commissioner), Darcy Byrne (Mayor, Inner West Council), Peter Olive (Sydenham - Bankstown Alliance), Heather Davie (Save Marrickville) and Morris Iemma (Greater Sydney Commissioner).
Also present were Greg Woodhams (ED City Planning GSC), Paul Mortimer (Save Marrickville), Mark Skelsey (Save Dully) and David Birds (Inner West Council Manager Strategic Planning).