State Government to establish priority development zones at Metro Stations
Recently the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the State Government is planning to establish priority development zones at seven Metro Stations. These zones will have dramatically increased density to meet the bulk of the state’s housing targets. See link to article Sydney poised for priority development zones to solve housing crisis (
There is speculation on which seven locations will be selected, and the State government is refusing to comment as the proposal goes to Cabinet. If Marrickville is selected as a priority housing zone, the focus on high rise would lead to the loss of the historic Marrickville town centre, and a complete change to the character of the area.
We have contacted the offices of our local State Member of Parliament, Jo Haylen, and our Federal representative Anthony Albanese. They have previously supported Marrickville residents on issues such as this, and we need their support again.
If you do not want Marrickville to become high rise units, it is important that you let our local MPs know. Jo Haylen’s office can be contacted on 9572 5900 and [email protected]; Anthony Albanese’s office is on 9564 3588 and [email protected] To have best effect, we recommend communication be clear and respectful.
If Marrickville is selected as a priority housing precinct, Save Marrickville residents will move to campaign mode, and this will require resources to get our message out. Please make any donations via this link. Even a small donation will help. If you want more information or you can help out, contact us at [email protected]
Rezoning of Victoria Road passed by NSW Department of Planning
The rezoning of Victoria Road was passed by the Department of Planning on Friday 1 December 2017, with no extra input from the Inner West Council.
Plans have now been lodged with council to develop 1-9 Rich Street Marrickville DA201700558.
Lodge your comment on the development application DA201700558 here.
Rezoning of Industrial Land will take jobs from Marrickville.
Meeting with Planning NSW 14 Dec 2017
The report from Save Marrickville who met with Planning NSW on 14 Dec 2017 to discuss the rezoning of Marrickville.
Plan to rezone Marrickville
What Marrickville could look like in 15-20 years under the NSW govt rezoning plan.
White: Single dwellings 1-2 storeys (where we are now mostly)
Yellow: Low rise housing 2-4 storeys
Blue: Shop top housing 3-5 storeys (Revolution - old RSL)
Orange: Medium rise housing 5-7 storeys
Red: Medium/high rise housing 8 storeys
Black: High rise housing. Three height categories: 9-12 storeys, 13-18 storeys, 19-35 storeys.
What can you do? First, read the Save Marrickville group's submission in regards to the plan.
Plan to rezone Marrickville
Industrial land across Sydney needs to be protected
Posted by Save Marrickville · October 28, 2018 1:35 PM
PROSPECTUS: Renewing the Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor
Posted by Save Marrickville · August 11, 2018 6:38 PM · 1 reaction
Smells like victory...
Posted by Save Marrickville · July 29, 2018 12:27 PM · 2 reactions
About us
Save Marrickville is a group of residents taking positive action to ensure that the growth of our suburb is planned properly for our community, the environment and future residents.
- We want sympathetic well designed development and density with proper transition zones. Not over development or imposing high rise.
- We would like planning control to be given back to council and the community.
- We feel it is critical that our heritage and local character are preserved.
- Marrickville’s industrial land should be preserved.
- Infrastructure needs to be planned first before rezoning.
- Affordable housing quotas must be in place.
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