Actions to take to object to a DA
Look up the documents on Council’s DA tracker. You can enter as a guest, click on ‘application tracking’ and type in the DA number to see the documentation. This is also where you can also lodge a submission to object to the DA. Information about lodging a submission can be found here and includes tips for writing a submission:
Email or call the planner responsible for the DA and have a conversation to respectfully express your concerns and hear their views. The planner to contact will be listed on the notification letter you may have received from council or on the notification sign that should be posted on the property. If you are unsure of who to contact, call the Council and quote the DA number to be connected to the council officer responsible.
IMPORTANT: If you object to the DA write your own submission and submit via Council's submission process. If you don't want to submit via the Council's online platform, call Council and ask if there is another way to submit an objection. Don’t be overwhelmed by this, being succinct and using dot points is encouraged. State your concerns and describe how the development will impact you. Stick to the facts and avoid ranting. If you have more than one concern consider using headings. You can also include photos if they help you make your case. Don’t forget to include your address, the DA number and your contact details.
Talk to your neighbours, share your concerns with them and encourage them to also submit an objection. Objections from neighbours and people along the street are held in high regard. You could place a flyer in people’s letterbox alerting them to the DA and stating why you object or you could do a door-knock (with another person) if you are able.
Create a petition. You can create a paper based petition or you can use for a digital version. Ask friends and groups to share your petition on their social media platforms. Every petition, whether paper or online, needs to include: a short headline title to say what the petition is about, a clear and concise statement about the subject of the petition – this should describe what action the petitioner wishes the Council to take and your own name and address. People who sign your petition need to provide their name, suburb and preferably their email address.
Email Councillors about your concerns ensuring that you let them know that you have also formally written an objection to the DA and quote the DA number.
If the DA is going to be presented to Council attend the Council meeting and arrange to speak at the meeting to voice your concerns directly to Council. Please note: only those who have made formal written submissions will be able to speak at a Council meeting about the DA. You will have to register to speak at the meeting before 2pm on the day of the meeting so keep an eye out for email notifications and check the Inner West Council website.
Note: Ever been surprised by a building being demolished all of a sudden? Getting on the front foot with a development is key to being able to have a say on the developments in your local neighbourhood. Keep an eye out for DA notices stuck to fences and doors and sign up to Planning Alerts. There will only be a certain amount of time you have to submit an objection so keep an eye out for those deadlines.
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