Contact your politicians

Dear Save Marrickville/ Marrickville residents

As part of a campaign to stop the overdevelopment of Marrickville and other parts of Sydney, please send the following message by email, mail or phone one or more of key people we have identified. They are three key Liberal MPs, the Planning Minister and Premier, see their contact details after the drafted message. 
Thanks very much for doing your bit.

Save Marrickville Working Group  



I ask the NSW government to return control of local planning decisions to our local governments, which have greater understanding of local communities and their needs than the NSW Department of Planning.

The residents of Sydney want good planning for our city’s future, and to develop the best possible city and neighbourhoods for ourselves and future generations. This will not happen while the Berejiklian government pushes overdevelopment and high rise, where it dramatically changes whole suburbs and does not plan for schools, parks, traffic or parking. We are specifically concerned about the NSW Priority Precincts and Growth Areas strategy that is being rammed though by the NSW government.

We are hoping that our Minister for Planning and Premier will change the way that planning is done in Sydney, which at the moment helps developers but not the people who live here.

Can you please talk to your state government colleagues about this. Thank you.



Please send to, or phone one or more of:

The Hon. Robert Stokes, MP

Member for Pittwater, Minister for Education

[email protected]

1725 Pittwater Rd Mona vale 2103

Ph 9999 3599


The Hon. Victor Dominello, MP

Member for Ryde, Minister for Finance

[email protected]

Suite 202, Gr Flr, 5-9 Devlin St Ryde 2112

Ph 9808 3288


Mr John Sidoti, MP

Member for Drummoyne, Parliamentary Secretary to Cabinet

[email protected]

128 Great North Rd, Five Dock 2046

Ph 9713 2999


The Hon. Anthony Roberts, MP

Minister for Planning

GPO Box 5341 Sydney 2001

Ph 8574 5600


The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian


GPO Box 5341 Sydney 2001

Ph 8574 5000