Community meeting going ahead
We have decided to go ahead with our Community Meeting on Thursday 22nd September to give residents and businesses as much time and information they need to understand the potential impacts of the current and possible future development plans for Marrickville and surrounding suburbs.
We have just been alerted that Council has halted all work on the studies in Dulwich Hill, Marrickville and North Ashfield, following a unanimous Council resolution at the Council meeting on 13 September to halt the process. Council is seeking advice from the NSW Government on how the government’s mandated housing targets can be considered across the whole LGA, as well as legal advice explaining how Councillors should manage potential conflicts of interest relating to the process.
This is breaking NEWS and Save Marrickville is trying to get more information about what this means for the community. We believe that the urban design studies are still on the table and we have no idea how the State Government will respond over housing targets.
We want to use our community meeting to give you an update on what we know and open the floor for questions and comments. We have been granted this rare extra time to consider a potentially highly destructive plan. We are seeking your thoughts. It is very likely the consultation will be reinstated at some unknown date…. So let’s get together to talk about it now.
Details for the night:
Community Meeting
Thursday 22nd September
Marrickville Bowling Club (we encourage everyone to buy a drink to support the club)
91 Sydenham Rd, Marrickville
7pm to 8.30pm
We hope to see you there.
FYI, some media attention this week:
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