Principles for planning Marrickville through the Inner West LEP
Save Marrickville resident group supports the following principles for planning Marrickville, through the new Inner West Local Environment Plan:
- Share growth and housing targets evenly across Inner West LGA, with 1,200 additional dwellings to be located in Marrickville/Midjuburi Ward (1)
- Include Marrickville Commercial Centre Heritage Conservation Area in the LEP, with HCA and heritage items assessment supported by work completed in 2009, 2016 and 2022 (2)
- Include in LEP all Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs) recommended in the Inner West Heritage Review Residential 2022 (3)
- Complete studies of the other identified potential HCAs for inclusion in the LEP, as recommended by the Heritage Review (4)
- No new buildings in Marrickville to be over 5 storeys or 20 metres
- Preserve industrial land, and not rezone it to residential
- 25% of new dwellings built to be social housing (5)
- Remove exemptions or loopholes which grant additional storeys and density to developers, such as “affordable” housing that is not affordable
- Boarding houses, studio and serviced apartments to count towards housing targets
- New dwellings approved but not built before a new LEP, to count towards housing targets
- Additional dwellings to be close to a train station or bus route, regardless of whether they are near a commercial centre.
These principles are consistent with those of the Save Dully Residents’ Action Group. The objectives of these principles are to:
• Develop a town centre and suburb which is in the best interests of people who live, visit and work in Marrickville
• Protect the character and heritage of Marrickville Commercial Centre, and our residential areas which are largely one and two storeys.
- Inner West LGA has a housing target of nearly 6,000 additional dwellings for the next six years under the new LEP. Marrickville/Midjuburi ward’s share should be 1,200 additional dwellings, with growth allocated evenly and fairly across the five wards of the LGA.
- A Heritage Study completed in 2009 for Marrickville Council identified contributory (or period) buildings along Marrickville Road Commercial precinct for inclusion in a potential HCA. Further work in 2016 identified period/contributory buildings on Illawarra Road commercial precinct. The 2022 Heritage Review identified period buildings in the Marrickville Commercial Centre to be investigated for listing as heritage items; heritage and period buildings support HCA assessments. The Heritage Review 2022 recommended that a study of “Marrickville Road and Illawarra Road Shopping Centre” potential HCA be completed. Therefore significant work has already been undertaken and should be finalised, to assess Marrickville Commercial Centre as a potential HCA to include in the LEP.
- HCAs in Marrickville recommended for inclusion by the 2022 Heritage Review were: Marrickville Market Gardens Estate; Shrublands Estate; Inter-War Group; Woodlands Estate; Terrace Gardens Estate; Pilgrim Avenue; and The Warren. Details are in the review.
- Studies of a number of potential HCAs identified by Council were not undertaken by the Heritage Review 2022, for reasons including the impact of COVID. These studies should be completed for potential inclusion of these HCAs in the LEP, as recommended by the review. In addition to Marrickville Commercial Centre, these potential HCAs in Marrickville to be studied are: O’Hara to Fletcher Streets; Illawarra to Carrington & Railway to Warren; Corner Livingstone & Marrickville Rds; Marrickville Road; Warren Shopping Precinct. Details including boundaries are in the 2022 Review.
- New accommodation built in Marrickville will not be affordable for people on low incomes, unless a proportion is required to be social housing. The term “affordable housing” is vague and often not targeted to people on lowest incomes, while social housing is clearly defined, affordable and targeted to low income households. Note that some older affordable dwellings are lost when a site is redeveloped, and Greater London Council has a target of 30% for affordable housing in new developments. See Save Marrickville’s position on Affordable Housing.
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