Reports from our meetings with key decision makers

Reports from our meetings with key decision makers

Save Marrickville meetings with Planning Minister and key decision makers

Save Marrickville have been working hard to ensure that the matters that are important to the Marrickville community are being heard by the NSW government, opposition and Planning NSW.

22 Jan 2018 – We met with the Greater Sydney Commission

Save Marrickville outlined our concerns to a senior manager at the Commission, regarding proposed overdevelopment, and poor planning and infrastructure. The manager undertook to report our concerns to the Commissioners, in particular regarding loss of industrial land. The Commission, which is an advisory body only, appears to genuinely support retention of industrial zoning in our area.

8 Feb 2018 – We met with Anthony Roberts MP, NSW Minister for Planning

We explained our concerns about the proposal for 35 storeys in Carrington Rd and the Priority (Planned) Precinct rezoning of large areas around Marrickville station for high density and high rise. Planning NSW senior managers were present at the meeting.

The Minister expressed some understanding regarding excessive heights proposed, and proposals for 8 storeys zoned next to single storey buildings.

We discussed the potential loss of industrial land and 1800 jobs near Carrington Rd, how this would affect Marrickville and Sydney as a whole, and that losing this industrial land is against the advice of the Greater Sydney Planning Commission’s report. We discussed the industries in the Carrington Rd Precinct – such as car repair workshops, bakers, manufacturing, service industries and artists.

The Minister seemed to understand our concerns about the loss of character of Marrickville if overdeveloped. We explained the history of Marrickville as a gateway to new migrants and how this history is reflected in the character and houses in the area, and that the heritage in Marrickville is more than just Victorian era houses. We explained that Mirvac and other developers are using Marrickville’s character to sell their developments – the exact same developments that will destroy this character. We also covered the impact that high density would have on the narrow roads, traffic and the little active green space we have in the area.

The Minister asked NSW Planning to work with us and look more at our concerns, particularly around preserving the character of Marrickville. Save Marrickville are now working on a report to NSW Planning on what makes Marrickville unique and preserving the character of our area.

8 Feb 2018 – We met with Michael Daley, NSW Shadow Minister for Planning

Save Marrickville outlined our concerns for both Mirvac’s proposal for 35 storeys in Carrington Rd, the planned high density rezoning around Marrickville station, and loss of industrial land.

The Shadow Minister asked for more information about the industries in the Carrington Rd Precinct and Save Marrickville will be providing this information. The Shadow Minister confirmed that the Labor Party will tear up the Priority Precinct plans if elected.