Affordable housing submission to the Department of Planning
"Affordable Housing should be automatically built into the planning process and should be at least 30% of any new development. The old hospital site in Marrickville has only designated 9 units out of 221 as ‘affordable’ (4%). This is not nearly high enough."
Read the Save Marrickville Resident Groups Submission to the Department of Planning’s SEPP 70 Affordable Housing 30/1/2018
Media - Best use of the metro line is at Parramatta
"A Parramatta metro line would do infinitely more to relieve Sydney's growing rail congestion than a conversion of the Bankstown line." - Dr Dick Day, a retired urban planner and senior manager of Sydney's rail system with experience in timetable preparation and the development and introduction of new railways and rolling stock.
Media - Victoria Road
Rezoning of industrial land will take jobs from Marrickville.
Media - Sydenham to Bankstown strategy
Traffic will be a nightmare for Marrickville when our train line is closed to build the Metro line.
Dust, dirt, noise and traffic will be the daily reality in Marrickville during the construction of the Sydenham to Bankstown Metro line.
Media - Rezoning
Affordable housing is not solved by private developments.
This is why Save Marrickville opposed the mass rezoning of our suburb.
"Saddest was the Sydenham to Bankstown plan - and Marrickville, which as far as I can see will be largely destroyed." We agree with you Elizabeth Farrelly!
Media - Overview
Why Save Marrickville is against badly designed apartments.
A playground for developers but with NO EXTRA INFRASTRUCTURE. Where are the playgrounds for our children?
Media - Carrington Road
High density, high rise is not what we want for Marrickville and many other suburbs are saying the same thing.
Rezoning of industrial land in Sydney is pricing industry out. We need to preserve our industrial lands in Marrickville.
This is the type of density and bad design that Save Marrickville oppose.
Some of the businesses we will lose with the rezoning of industrial land for high rise development.
Action taken by the Save Marrickville group
Save Marrickville formed in July 2017 as Save Marrickville South. We didn't know each other at all, but started to meet up and discuss the proposed rezoning of our suburb.
- In October 2015 the then Minister for Planning, Rob Stokes, announced a plan to 'revitalise' the 11 stations on the Sydenham to Bankstown rail line so that the government could capitalise on the Sydney Metro SW rail line project.
- The Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor Strategy is actually a plan to rezone large swathes of Marrickville (and all the suburbs along the line) to significantly increase density, and add 6000 new dwellings to Marrickville, all without plans for critical infrastructure like schools, parks, roads and hospitals.
- We regularly meet people who are unaware of what is being proposed for Marrickville. Many people don’t know that the Marrickville population is proposed to increase by two thirds if this plan goes ahead. Please talk to your neighbours!
Save Marrickville's group submission in regards to the rezoning plan is comprehensive and documents our concerns. The first revision of the plan received 1440 submissions from the public.
- We built a Lego model to show the scale of the highrise proposed and displayed it at information sessions held by Planning NSW, polling booths and at Marrickville Festival. You can check it out at Addison Road markets on Sundays.
- In July 2017, the revised Sydenham to Bankstown strategy was released by the Government. Not much had changed in the Marrickville plan - in fact densities had increased.
- In August 2017, the Made in Marrickville report was released by QUT, Monash and Wollongong University academics. It documents the number and diversity of businesses on both sides of Carrington Road, Myrtle Street and Renwick Street. They found 223 enterprises, supplying approx 1800 jobs. It highlights the importance of keeping the existing zoning for industrial uses.
- In September 2017, Inner West council elections were held and over development was a key election issue.
- In October 2017, Anthony Albanese MP blew the whistle on the Carrington Road precinct planning proposal when he expressed his shock in the media at Mirvac’s plans.
- Inner West council’s response to the planning proposal was made public and we discovered that Mirvac is requesting to rezone 7.8 hectares of land from the current industrial zoning to R4 high density residential and B2 local centre - this would make it impossible for many of the businesses to remain. If the zoning changes, certain types of activity will not be allowed and rents will rise, forcing people out. The buildings are 35 storeys high!
- 500 people attended a public meeting about Carrington Road at Marrickville Town Hall. The proposal is a request to change the zoning of the land and it is not yet a done deal. However, if the council refuses the zoning proposal, Mirvac can go directly to the state government for approval.
- NSW Labor and Greens have committed to scrap the Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor Strategy if they form government at the state election in 2019.
Save Marrickville members have attended public meetings about the rezoning held by Inner West Council and NSW Planning Department. We have been invited to present to these organisations in smaller meetings.
We convened a public meeting on 30 November 2017 where a motion was passed unanimously by over 120 people.
MOTION: Save Marrickville local residents will not accept the destruction of our neighbourhood through over development and high rise. Marrickville must be properly planned in the interests of the people who will live and work here, with
- sympathetic development and density;
- local council and community control of planning;
- preserved heritage and local character;
- preserved industrial lands and employment; and
- planning of infrastructure first, including schools, parks, roads, affordable housing and parking.
- Our group have applied to the Office of Environment and Heritage for Carrington Road Industrial Precinct to be recognised by a State heritage listing. The precinct is an important site in the State's industrial past as well as for migrants settling in Australia after the second world war.
- We've printed two corflute posters for sale at $10 each to raise awareness and funds for our campaign. Purchase from our stall at Addison Road market on Sundays or email [email protected]
- We are preparing media releases and planning activities in preparation for the release of the final strategy and Marrickville plan. According to NSW Planning staff, that is likely to be between Christmas Eve 2017 and sometime in January 2018.
- We will need to mobilise quickly when the new Marrickville Plan is released so please keep an eye out for Facebook posts and emails calling for people to rally. Be ready to act with us!
The group and what we stand for
Save Marrickville is a group of residents taking positive action to ensure that the growth of our suburb is planned properly for our community, the environment and future residents.
- We want sympathetic well designed development and density with proper transition zones.
Not over development or imposing high rise.
- We would like planning control to be given back to council and the community.
- We feel it is critical that our heritage and local character are preserved.
- Marrickville’s industrial land should be preserved.
- Infrastructure needs to be planned first before rezoning.
- Affordable housing quotas must be in place.
Please sign up for updates by email.
Rezoning of Victoria Road passed by NSW Department of Planning
The rezoning of Victoria Road was passed by the Department of Planning on Friday 1 December 2017, with no extra input from the Inner West Council.
Plans have now been lodged with council to develop 1-9 Rich Street Marrickville DA201700558.
Lodge your comment on the development application DA201700558 here.
Rezoning of Industrial Land will take jobs from Marrickville.