Meeting with Planning NSW 14 Dec 2017
The report from Save Marrickville who met with Planning NSW on 14 Dec 2017 to discuss the rezoning of Marrickville.
Minutes of the community meeting on 30 Nov 2017
Minutes of the community meeting on Thursday 30 November at Ferncourt Public School. Thank you to all who attended and contributed!
Contact your politicians
Dear Save Marrickville/ Marrickville residents
As part of a campaign to stop the overdevelopment of Marrickville and other parts of Sydney, please send the following message by email, mail or phone one or more of key people we have identified. They are three key Liberal MPs, the Planning Minister and Premier, see their contact details after the drafted message.
Thanks very much for doing your bit.
Save Marrickville Working Group
I ask the NSW government to return control of local planning decisions to our local governments, which have greater understanding of local communities and their needs than the NSW Department of Planning.
The residents of Sydney want good planning for our city’s future, and to develop the best possible city and neighbourhoods for ourselves and future generations. This will not happen while the Berejiklian government pushes overdevelopment and high rise, where it dramatically changes whole suburbs and does not plan for schools, parks, traffic or parking. We are specifically concerned about the NSW Priority Precincts and Growth Areas strategy that is being rammed though by the NSW government.
We are hoping that our Minister for Planning and Premier will change the way that planning is done in Sydney, which at the moment helps developers but not the people who live here.
Can you please talk to your state government colleagues about this. Thank you.
Please send to, or phone one or more of:
The Hon. Robert Stokes, MP
Member for Pittwater, Minister for Education
1725 Pittwater Rd Mona vale 2103
Ph 9999 3599
The Hon. Victor Dominello, MP
Member for Ryde, Minister for Finance
Suite 202, Gr Flr, 5-9 Devlin St Ryde 2112
Ph 9808 3288
Mr John Sidoti, MP
Member for Drummoyne, Parliamentary Secretary to Cabinet
128 Great North Rd, Five Dock 2046
Ph 9713 2999
The Hon. Anthony Roberts, MP
Minister for Planning
GPO Box 5341 Sydney 2001
Ph 8574 5600
The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian
GPO Box 5341 Sydney 2001
Ph 8574 5000
Community meeting 30 Nov 2017
Save Marrickville public meeting launches campaign to stop high rise
Over 100 Marrickville residents have launched the Save Marrickville group’s campaign to stop high rise and over-development, at a vocal meeting at Ferncourt Public School on 30 November 2017.
This campaign launch follows on from an earlier Inner West Council meeting at Marrickville Town Hall where 500 people heard about plans by Mirvac for 35 storey high rise in the Carrington precinct, and NSW government plans for high density apartments across Marrickville.
“Save Marrickville residents will campaign throughout 2018, by talking to the government and politicians, and through the media, our website, placards on houses, public events, the 500 local people on our email list, and by publicising the importance of industrial land for making things in Marrickville,” said spokesperson Paul Mortimer.
“The residents want local Council to have control of planning, not the NSW Berejiklian government and its ‘planned precincts’, which impose massive development without parks, schools or parking.”
Local Councillors Mark Drury (Labor) and Colin Hesse and Louise Steer (Greens) were at the meeting. Councillor Drury was representing Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne and local MPs Anthony Albanese and Jo Haylen, who have condemned government plans for Marrickville. Liberal MPs have recently spoken out against developments in areas such as Drummoyne and Ryde, and the Greater Sydney Commission has said industrial lands in the area should be preserved.
“The residents agreed to campaign for a good built environment for the Marrickville community, and to preserve local heritage, industrial land and employment,” said Paul Mortimer.
“The Planning Minister Anthony Roberts is expected to announce the amended precinct plans for Sydenham to Bankstown in the new year. Marrickville residents put in the highest number of submissions on precinct plans, but the Minister has not yet agreed to meet with Save Marrickville.”
Media contacts:
Paul Mortimer 0435 240 844 [email protected]
Kelsie Dadd 0428 406 929 [email protected]
Read moreHow to get in touch
We'd like to hear from you. Please email [email protected]
Media please contact Paul Mortimer on 0435 240 844
Get active! Let your voice be heard.
- Become informed by talking to us, reading this website and joining our Facebook group
- Email us if you are interested in finding out more about joining our working group
- Sign up for our emails to stay on top of critical emails (we only send emails when we feel strongly about informing the community of developments)
- Send emails to, or phone local Councillors
- If there is a DA in your local neighbourhood that you are concerned about, refer to this page for tips on objecting to a DA
Victoria Road development
A vote on the Victoria Road development was deferred at the Inner West Council meeting on 21 November 2017.
The defer motion was proposed by Clr Victor Macri of Marrickville Ward and seconded by Clr Julie Passas of Ashfield Ward who believe that only the old Marrickville Council fully understand the issue. There has been no briefing of the newly elected members of the Inner West Council.
The issue is considered urgent because the Dept of Planning could approve the development without any input from council and that could happen in the next week.
It seems that Victor Macri and Sam Iskandar are not opposed to the development.
What is the Carrington Road planning proposal?
Mirvac’s planning proposal is for 7.8 hectares of land on the east side of Carrington Rd. As the planning proposal is commercial in confidence we have not seen the proposal, however the Inner West Councils’s response to Mirvac’s proposal is public.
The planning proposal is a request to rezone the land. It is currently IN1 which does not allow residential development. If the rezoning is approved the development moves into the development application stage.
The proposal is for towers of residential apartments reaching heights of 105m. The council notes that this could mean buildings up to 35 storeys. This flood prone land is currently home to manufacturing, creative and auto businesses employing approximately 1800 people.
What can you do? First, attend the community meeting on 30 November at 7pm.
What is the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy?
According to Planning NSW the Sydenham to Bankstown Strategy (SBCS) is an ‘urban renewal strategy that provides approaches to growth with infrastructure delivery and development coordinated along the corridor’.
The PR around the strategy talks about retaining heritage and character, adding open spaces and providing community centres.
When we looked at the strategy we did not see any infrastructure delivery or respect for heritage.
The SBCS is a plan for mass rezoning for high rise residential apartments with no new schools or roads. There are dubiously named open spaces... a drainage canal was described as a linear park!
We see crowded schools, congested roads, a loss of our heritage architecture and a loss of local jobs as industrial land makes way for high rise apartments.
Save Marrickville are not alone, we talk to and coordinate with a number of other residents groups such as:
- Sydenham to Bankstown Alliance
- The newly formed Tempe group from Tempe 2020
Save Dully in Dulwich Hill
- Save Our Valley - Bardwell, Earlwood, Turrella
Read more
Plan to rezone Marrickville
What Marrickville could look like in 15-20 years under the NSW govt rezoning plan.
White: Single dwellings 1-2 storeys (where we are now mostly)
Yellow: Low rise housing 2-4 storeys
Blue: Shop top housing 3-5 storeys (Revolution - old RSL)
Orange: Medium rise housing 5-7 storeys
Red: Medium/high rise housing 8 storeys
Black: High rise housing. Three height categories: 9-12 storeys, 13-18 storeys, 19-35 storeys.
What can you do? First, read the Save Marrickville group's submission in regards to the plan.