Local government election and 'Meet the candidates' event

Justine Langford, Vic Macri, Kelsie Dadd and Mat Howard

Save Marrickville hosted a 'Meet the Candidates' event for the Marrickville-Midjuburi ward for the Inner West LGA. We want to thank the candidates, Mat Howard (ALP), Justine Langford (GRN) and Vic Macri (IND) for giving us their time to discuss issues of development, industrial lands retention, heritage and green space. Thanks also to those who attended and the Marrickville Hardcourt Tennis Club for allowing us to use their venue.

For those who missed out on the event you can view the video here.

Local government elections are being held on Saturday 4th December. All the information you need to know can be found here. This includes where you can vote on the day, pre-polling dates and locations and information about the de-amalgamation poll. Don't let the de-amalgamation poll surprise you in the ballot box - have a look at the information provided by the Council before you vote so you can make your own informed decision.

If you want to review all the candidates standing for election to the Inner West Council you can find them listed on the NSW Electoral Commission website. You can even look at each candidate's information sheet to see what other organisations they belong to and their suburb of residence. Some candidates have written a little about themselves on these information sheets.


And some other things....

You might be interested in this opinion piece in the City Hub by Pip Hinman about de-amalgamation.

If you see something missing from the candidate street advertising this article might help explain the lack of endorsed Liberal Party candidates in some council areas.


Important community event....

The Inner West Community Strategic Plan is currently being reviewed by Council staff. This 20 year plan identifies the community's vision for the future, long term goals, strategies to get there and how to measure progress towards that vision. To have your say about the plan you can join an online forum on Wednesday 24 November, 6.00-7.30pm or you can complete the online survey. More information can be found here.

Meet the Candidates for the Marrickville - Midjuburi (Lillypilly) Ward

Wednesday 3rd November, 6.30pm

We go to the polls for our local government representatives in early December. Local government has an important say in our development constraints, character, heritage protection and streetscapes.

Save Marrickville is hosting a “Meet the Candidates” event for candidates for the Marrickville - Midjuburi ward. This is an opportunity for our local community to hear what each candidate is committed to on a range of issues. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of each candidate.

When: Wednesday 3rd November

Candidates attending: Mat Howard (ALP), Justine Langford (Greens) and Vic Macri (Independent). 

Venue: Marrickville Hardcourt Tennis Club (food and drinks available on the night from the Portuguese restaurant, Casa Do Benfica, on site)

Address: 33 Centennial St, behind Henson Park

Time: 6.30pm (for a 7pm start) to 9pm

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we need you to register for this free event via this link.

We hope you can join us on the night, take your opportunity to meet the candidates and let them know what is important to you.


Our position on affordable housing

For some time housing in our area has become more expensive. As local residents, we are concerned to protect the physical character and charm of our neighbourhood, and it is also important to support the people who live in our community. Our community is made up of people on a range of incomes and various occupations, and that is a key part of the Marrickville community’s character. If all local housing becomes too expensive, Marrickville will lose many of the people who now live here.

Developers often say they want to provide affordable housing, but new developments usually knock down more cheap rentals than they provide, as new dwellings are usually more expensive. Save Marrickville supports more affordable housing, but bulldozing our heritage buildings and local character is not a good way to address our housing crisis. This is a critically important issue. Federal and State governments have the greatest opportunity to provide affordable housing. Winding back investor tax breaks that inflate house prices, investigating an empty house tax (like they have in Vancouver, Canada) and providing more social housing, would make a real difference. Inner West Council can also play a role through their Affordable Housing Revised Scheme. Save Marrickville has written a position paper on Affordable Housing, you can read it here. We have distributed our written position to numerous Councillors.  

The idea that increasing supply will improve housing affordability is a misnomer. Developers push that argument to convince the media, public and government to allow them to build high rise apartments, but housing economists have shown that the housing market works in perverse ways: because it is an ‘asset market’, increasing supply through major new developments does not automatically equate to price drops. In many cases, increased supply fuels price rises as investor interest escalates, translating into price rises that, in circular fashion, draw even more investors, more speculative interest. During Sydney’s apartment boom from 2012-2017, new approvals were at record highs, and yet prices did not come down. They skyrocketed. Increased supply does not equate to lower prices. It means the housing market acts unlike the markets for ‘ordinary’ goods or services. Market actors - i.e. developers - cannot be trusted to solve affordable housing problems. It is not in their best interest because they only profit when real estate values go up, not down. Affordable housing can only be realised in a capitalist market through much more substantive provision of public housing, non-profit community housing, and/or mandating a higher proportion of privately-developed housing must be genuinely affordable (e.g. rent controls, pegging prices to low income thresholds).
Illawarra Rd development site

Panel refuses DA at 2-18 Station St, Marrickville

The Sydney Eastern Planning Panel met on the 10th of June to determine the DA at 2-18 Station St, Marrickville. This DA included the demolition of existing structures and construction of a mixed use development comprising a boarding house and a commercial tenancy. Save Marrickville objected to the application due to height and bulk as well as issues of parking, shadowinging and privacy. The original DA was refused by Inner West Council officers.

The panel determined that "the application to vary development standards (Height and FSR) was not worthy of approval and the development application must be refused". The panel did not believe that the site is suitable for development and necessary investigations and reports should be undertaken prior to any new DA being lodged. The full details of the panels' decision can be found here.

Among the reasons for the decision include (but is not limited to):

- Request for 23.88% variation of height of buildings within clause 4-3 of Marrickville Environment Plan 2011 could not be justified and is not considered to be in the public interest.

- The visual bulk is out of scale with the surrounding locality and does not provide sufficient transition from the highest part to the nearby low-density residential zone.

- The architectural design of the building would not be in harmony with the established or future character of the area.

- The proposal does not provide a high standard of design in the private and public domain.

- The site is not suitable for a development of this bulk and scale noting the issues with loading and waste collection.

- Proposed waste collection on Station St would block one way Station St traffic and collection point in "No Stopping Zone.

- The car parking proposed is deficient given the intensity of of the development (221 possible boarders, managers and 3 commercial spaces needed) when assessed in accordance with Marrickville DCP 2011, specific development controls C72, C73,C74 and is inconsistent with the relevant desired future character statement.

- The proposed private open space for manager rooms is of low amenity due to location and size and is inconsistent with Control C6 of MCD Plan 2011.

In coming to its decision, the Panel considered written objections made during the public exhibition and heard from all those wishing to address the Panel. Three local Marrickville residents (including a member of Save Marrickville) spoke at the Panel meeting. The Panel noted the issues of community concern included: excessive bulk; lack of transition; excessive FSR; lack of parking and additional traffic; overshadowing; privacy impacts; lack of compatibility with the character of the area; impact on stability of the Illawarra Road bridge; lack of sufficient managers and no assurance the development will be used for affordable housing and poor architectural design and colours; as well as a variety of other concerns.

Thanks to all who wrote submissions and commented on Planning Alerts.

DA on Art Deco apartments on Warren Road, Marrickville

Art deco apartment on Warren Rd Marrickville

We wanted to alert the community to a current DA lodged with Inner West Council. The DA includes the demolition of two art deco apartment blocks at 50-52 Warren Road Marrickville to build a 4-storey 42 room boarding house. Save Marrickville has submitted an objection to this DA. You can read our submission to Council here.

Our summary of objection is:

Save Marrickville objects to the proposal development and supports retaining the existing two art deco unit blocks on the grounds of:

• Inconsistency with the future vision for Marrickville

• Architectural heritage value

• Negative impact on surrounding neighbours and streetscape

• Loss of current affordable 1 and 2 bedroom housing stock for speculative development

• Development overly high and dense, and overcrowding of the site. 

You can view the application and lodge a submission via Council's online self-service portal, through the ‘Application Tracking' section. Search for DA/2021/0066 to find the documentation. Submissions close on 12th April 2021.


IWLPP refuses 315 Illawarra Rd DA

The Inner West Local Planning Panel has refused the demolition of 3 houses and the development application for 6 storeyed serviced apartments at 315-321 Illawarra Rd. The proposed building towered over the Central Avenue residents and would have overshadowed them and stolen light and privacy.

Marrickville residents including two from Central Avenue and a Save Marrickville Representative addressed the panel via Zoom on Tuesday 8th December to express objections to the DA.

The decision of the panel was unanimous in its rejection of the proposal which was not considered to be in the public interest. Reasons listed by the panel to support their refusal of the DA include:

- The development represents a significant variation from the height of buildings development standard in the Marrickville LEP 2011.

- The development is inconsistent with the desired future character objectives for the Marrickville Town Centre Commercial Planning Precinct.

- The development results in unacceptable visual privacy on adjoining residential development.

- The proposal does not exhibit design excellence.

Thank you to all the people who wrote submissions regarding this DA.

Update on 315-321 Illawarra Rd

Save Marrickville has made a submission to Council regarding the amended Development Application 201900421 for 315-321 Illawarra Road Marrickville – you can read it here.

Save Marrickville does not oppose reasonable shop-top developments provided these:

  • – are architecturally sensitive to the character of surrounding buildings,
  • – do not exceed LEP height limits, and
  • – have adequate set backs.

Unfortunately, the amended DA does not meet these basic standards. This DA, if approved, would greatly undermine the Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement objective to plan for “high quality housing growth . . . with respect for place, character and heritage significance.”

The proposed 6 storey modern-style building would seriously damage the character of this heritage precinct in Marrickville Town Centre, as it is not sympathetic to the mainly Edwardian/Federation shopfronts. See below graphics from the developer’s application, showing the proposed building and adjacent shops.

This proposed development would also compromise Council’s South Area Urban Design Study, which is being prepared to help plan the future built form and character of this area.

Save Marrickville will advocate on behalf the local community’s interests, for future development to respect Marrickville’s character and heritage.

315-321 Illawarra Rd Development Application

We wanted to let the community know that an amended DA has been submitted to Inner West Council for 315-321 Illawarra Rd (DA201900421). Unfortunately many of the items of concern in our original objection to this DA in May 2020 have not been addressed. A summary of our objections to the amended DA lodged with Council in September 2020 are that in the proposal:

  1. The proposed building design and form including the street-front façade facing Illawarra Road is not sympathetic with other federation/ Edwardian buildings and shopfronts on this section of Illawarra Road, and should be redesigned to be sympathetic with the character of Marrickville Town Centre including Marrickville Road. The built form in the amended DA is even more unsympathetic to adjacent heritage buildings than in the original DA.
  2. The 6 storey building height in the amended DA is too high and should be limited to 5 storeys, which is the allowed height under the current LEP. Excessive height will unreasonably increase the building’s dominance over neighbouring commercial buildings and residences, negatively impact on the area’s character, and negatively impact shadowing and privacy.
  3. The building height where the façade/building front connects with Illawarra Road is too high at three storeys and should be two storeys to be sympathetic with the surrounding streetscape’s scale and character. This issue in our original proposal has not been addressed.
  4. The set-back from Illawarra Road for the storeys between 3 and 5 is not adequate and should be 12 metres, again to be sympathetic with the existing streetscape. This issue in our original proposal has not been addressed.
  5. Car parking spaces in the proposal are not adequate and should be increased from 12 to 28 car spaces for the proposed 30 odd studio apartments. This issue in our original proposal has not been addressed.
  6. The vehicular access in the proposal would create a risk and impede access for pedestrians, and should be redesigned to protect and preserve pedestrian access along Illawarra Road. This issue in our original proposal has not been addressed.
  7. Land use as Serviced Apartments is not consistent with existing land uses in the surrounding area, will provide no permanent accommodation for residents, and should not be viewed as a rationale for increasing building height and density, or reducing parking spaces.
  8. Is against the current Local Environment Plan regarding height and character, and sets a poor precedent as Council works with residents to frame the new LEP.

There isn't much time to object to this DA - submission close on Tuesday 29th September. You can view the documentation (including an image of the proposed building) and make a submission via the application tracking portal on the Inner West Council website.

DA for 2-18 Station Street Marrickville

Save Marrickville has prepared a submission objecting to the DA for 10 storey boarding house at 2-18 Station St Marrickville. We encourage you to view the development application via the Inner West Council website and make you own submission. The deadline for submissions is the 14th September and you can email submissions to [email protected]

Our submission covers:

Height and bulk - 33% over existing height limits & 66% over floor space ratio
The proposed building height of 10 storeys and 34 metres is well above the allowed limit under the Council’s current LEP.

Set backs, shadowing and privacy
The proposed building does not have set backs or transition to adjacent properties, which are one and two storeys high.

Parking – completely inadequate for proposed resident numbers and business needs
The DA proposes 46 parking spaces for the 130 rooms (potentially 244 residents).

Character and heritage
The current proposal due to its height, bulk, lack of transition and design, is completely out of character with the surrounding historic streetscape.

No guarantee of affordable housing
The development application suggests that this development will provide significant affordable housing, with 80% occupied by key workers or students. However there is no evidence to support these suggestions, which should be given no weight in consideration of this DA

The full submission can be viewed here.

Marrickville Station Design & Precinct Plan

Sydney Metro (City & Southwest) has released a draft Station Design and Precinct Plan (SDPP) for Marrickville Station. The plan shows how the new station design has developed and how it will integrate with the surrounding precinct. You can view it here.

We have compiled our own feedback and you can read the full report here

Summary of our key feedback on the Plan is that Save Marrickville:

  1. Supports planned conservation of the original layout and finishes of station buildings.
  2. Is concerned at proposed removal of heritage brick platform walls and requests more information.
  3. Recommends inclusion of rest rooms for both men and women on both platforms, to be accessible and available at all times.
  4. Recommends heritage station buildings and platforms be retained for use by the public and for provision of public transport for the public, and not for private commercial gain.
  5. Recommends heritage ticket office on Platform 2 be made available for public use.
  6. Recommends design of Platform Screen Doors (PSDs) and Mechanical Gap Fillers (MGFs) do not devalue the character and heritage value of the station buildings and platforms.
  7. Supports completion of a shared cycle and pedestrian pathway between Station and Myrtle Streets.
  8. Requests more detailed information and opportunity for further feedback regarding the proposed design and use of station buildings, and proposed design of Platform Screen Doors and Mechanical Gap Fillers, as details cannot be determined from diagrams or text.

If you have any concerns or feedback on the Plan we urge you to let Sydney Metro know. Feedback on the Plan can be emailed to [email protected] by 5pm Friday 24 July 2020.

If this is the first you have heard about the Marrickville Station Plan you might want to register with Sydney Metro for updates which you can do through their website here.